[Amps] Bias Zener Diodes In Parallel ?

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 13:15:06 -0500

Subject: [Amps] Bias Zener Diodes In Parallel ?

> I have an amp that I have put several 5.6Volt @ 5watt zeners
> in series for cathode bias.  They get way too hot with
> about 800ma of current.  Can I parallel zeners to divide the
> current without problems with balance between them?
> Doug, N4IJ

Hi Doug,
I have been doing for years as Henry and other Commercial
amp makers do; I use 50 watt zeners on a heat sink, and have
no problems. They are available from R.F. Parts, Henry Radio,
And K2IW's Silicon Alley.

There is a cheaper approach shown in some of the older ARRL
Handbooks that use a smaller zener in conjunction with a power
transistor, but that just complicates matters and adds vulnerable
parts to the circuit, IMO.

Circa 1982, I quit using glass tubes, diode strings,  electrolytic
capacitors, and carbon resistors. Life has been so much more
enjoyable since, with 99% of my hobby time free for operating.

Phil, K5PC

Phil, K5PC