[Amps] KW Linear for FT-817
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 02:47:40 -0700
A power-gain of x300 from one tetrode or pentode is not any easy trick.
The most I ever managed to do was x100. The potential trouble with
designing in more gain is that a higher grid-terminating resistance is
needed -- which means more feedback from the output to the input -- which
means living closer to squirrelsville. Also, two tubes in parallel
doubles feedback-C, which is not a good place to be.
>I'm researching an amp project for a friend. He wants a legal limit or near
>legal limit amp that can be driven from a Yaesu FT-817. It's been 25 years
>since I rolled and amp so I thought I'd ask the gang here. Does anyone have
>a suggestion for a tube or pair of tubes that when driven with 5 watts will
>run up to a KW out?
>Thanks... Mike K9MK/5
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,