[Amps] Bias Zener Diodes In Parallel ?

2 2@vc.net
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 08:21:52 -0700

Cuting off the tubes intermittently during speech with RF-actuated bias 
results in switching rapidly in and out of linear-bias during 
soft-syllables.  For this reason, Alpha 77s are well-known for their 
harsh-sounding audio and spit-spit sound on adjacent channels +/- c. 
3kHz.  [note -- this sort of thing does not appear with a 2-tone test].  
The fix is to sync the bias with the coil-current in the RF-relays.

>> The problem with a 50w zener is that its Vz is not adjustable.  A 
>> fwd-biased Si diode string can be adjusted by changing taps.  
>> //'Tis true.  However, I don't know why I'd need it to be adjustable.  I
>> suppose for an amp having two HV taps (CW and SSB) this might be a nice
>> feature, however my amps don't.  Using signal-activated electronic bias to
>> cut off the tube(s) between words, etc, is a cool feature that would
>> require more than tap changing.
>> -WB2WIK/6

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 