[Amps] Ameritron ( I made a Mistake Orig poster)
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 12:19:07 -0400
I made the original post about the ameritron service.=20
Spoke to willie about the jumbled parts order. He offered to try to get =
it saturday delivery. Fedex was 31$ for one resistor. I said t ," just =
send regular ". I am going to give Willie a second chance. After =
sleeping on this every one is entilted to a bad day once in a while. We =
are not saving Lives here. Probably should be proud to have a US company =
trying to make it in a slow economy. The chinese stuff U get at =
wall-mart these days has no one to call, and the quality is well you =
i made a mistake.
Supporting a US company is in retrospect more important than slaming the =
company on one persons bad day. Heck, I have more that one a year =
Victor Vickers
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