[Amps] Bias Zener Diodes In Parallel ?
Sat, 20 Jul 2002 10:28:27 -0700
>> >
>> ** During an HV- to gnd arc,
>> no -- but during a VHF/UHF
>> parasite, an
>> 8877 is capqable of >50A-pk
>> cathode current (Ik).
>> However, 50A would
>> torpedo a 10A transistor (Q1).
>Doesn't your proposed opto controlled
>bias switching transistor have the same
>torpedo problem during a parasitic??
** Quite rightly, Paul. This is why the 100V npn switch transistor (Q1)
is protected by the 51V, 1500W-pk voltage surge suppressor diode.
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,