[Amps] SELL: Henry 3K Premier amplifier

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm@juno.com
Sun, 21 Jul 2002 11:00:22 -0400

Offering for sale an absolute mint Henry 3K Premier floor console 10-160m
 amplifier. Runs a single Eimac 3CX1200A7 for about 2KW+ output. Has the
optional heavy duty power supply rated at 4200VDC@ 1-1/2 amp. Optional
step start installed.  Operates on 220VAC. Includes outboard meter to
monitor filament voltage. List price from Henry $3900. Pick up ONLY in
the Scranton area of Penna or New York City $2300. Unit can be seen on
the QRZ site listed below.  Ron W2CQM/3 

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