[Amps] toroid
Sun, 21 Jul 2002 11:02:22 -0700
> 2 <2@vc.net> said:
>>Heath Warrior, Gonset GSB-201 - both (4, 811As).
>>- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich
>Thanks. Real amps don't have more than 2 tubes in parallel, <g> so no loss
>here. Collins made one too.
Two tubes doubles the feedback C, so mo' tubes means less vhf stability.
However, since doubling the number of tubes halves the RL, double the
C-tune is needed to maintain the same Q. it should be do-able to build a
10, 811A g-g amplifier -- provided one had at least 200W to drive it and
enough C-tune to make c. 400-ohms of Xc at the lowest frequency.
Expected anode current would be c. 2A. The anode supply could be
hex-tupler operating directly from the 240VAC mains, so the heaviest
component would be the 250w filament transformer.
cheers, Bill
>>>>Heath and Gonset built two, G-G amplifiers with "neutralization"
>>>>scheems. Both were somewhat less than stable. Heath never sold another
>>>>neutralized G-G amplifier.
>Amps mailing list
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,