[Amps] 4CX800/GU74B Socket

Glenn McNeil vk4tzl@bigpond.net.au
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 16:33:26 +1000

Hi Guys...

I'm about to start construction for a 2 meter linear using a GU74B (
4CX800 ). The socket I have is a military one, with built in chimney and an
external screen ring. This ring makes contact with the screen area of the

At present it has 4  x 1000pf 1kv disc ceramic caps between the screen
"ring" and ground.

My question....

(a) Is this socket useable at 2 meters
(b) I note that about 1100pf  is usually the screen capacitance in eimac
sockets for the 4CX250...can I just solder an even number of disc ceramics
to the socket to total about 1100pf, or am I missing something ??

If the socket is useable at 2 meters, it seems a great way to construct a
screen capacitor, as it's repairable. The socket is made out of a brown
bakelite material and has the following written by hand on it :

U 84812006

