[Amps] Re: "Need hints"
Bill Coleman
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 07:01:07 -0400
Re: my earlier whining - "mushy" loading on 5CX1500 amp project.
Thanks for all the hints. I had used some parts from a second RF deck =
without checking them.... found a bad cap in the plate blocking stack. =
(thank you Colin Lamb)
But that's not the bug...
Steve Thompson recommended measuring the RL by looking 'backwards' with =
an analyzer - I had done this when I was adjusting the taps on my =
original tank coils. I had measured the vacuum variables - more than =
once - as I adjusted the taps on the original tank coils. All was =
right in the world, then....
However, all is no longer right. The loading cap appears to be open. =
It's a 1000pf Jennings ceramic & measures 65pF - everywhere. I can tell =
the external mechanics are OK as the "nose piece" loosens up when I =
reach the end of travel - .=20
I cannot do any further diagnosis with the deck mounted in the rack. =
I've heard of vacuum variables arcing, shorting, but open? Might be a =
mechanical problem with the chassis collar... =20
More later.
Bill Coleman N2BC
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