[Amps] Need hints.... (wordy)

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 04:40:21 -0700

>Here's the deal, I'm 'converting' a 2KW 13.56mHz plasma generator for 160 
>thru 10.
>The basics:  5CX1500A, 3.8KV EP.  Got it running 'stock' (class C) before 
>conversion, easy 2KW output.   
>Conversion:  added 1000pf loading vac var (was fixed),  bandswitch, new 
>tank coils, reworked screen supply from fixed 500V to zener regulated & 
>switchable 600V to 750V, reworked bias supply.  Input circuit is 200 ohm 
>resistor /w 1:4 broadband toroid.

The grid V requirement is such that the grid-terminating R can be 50-ohms 
-- with the grid driven directly.

>Most of this freely copied from Rich Measures web pages.
>Been tearing my hair out trying to get anything over 1KW output. 
>Efficiency lousy - 25% to 30%.   

What is the design Q of your tank?  

>Not to mention beating up the tube just a 
5cx1500s are fairly rugged because the thoriated-tungsten cathode and the 
unplated grid are not as delicate as an 8877's.

>I had initially built the output circuit using a small (.3uH) plate coil 
>to offset the high output C of the tube.  Figured I was fighting some 
>miscalculation... So let's make it simple....
>Tore out the tank coils, ripped out the .3uH plate coil, wound a coil for 
>40M out of 3/16" tubing, ran it directly between Tune and Load caps - no 
>bandswitch (no cobbled up piles of tubing & coil stock).  Same results.  
How much L?


-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 