[Amps] CTI follow up

skipp isaham nospam4me@juno.com
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 20:44:35 -0700

re: CTI amplifiers ("The reply")
Hello again, 
I wrote Bob back about responding to his statements 
regarding the use of tube regulators, to inform him of 
amps and invite him to join and to mention how some 
of the amps members noticed his FCC ID numbers, 
or lack there of. 
He has been more than pleasant with me, however 
his response below was a bit of a surprise.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 16:31:17 -0400
From: Bob Piselli <removed>
To: skipp <removed>
Subject: Re: 4cx250b

Skipp.. I am not going to lower myself to people who 
have negative opinions about somethings they really 
don't know much about. Please don't consider your 
comments among the "others". I have been designing 
and building this equipment for many years and when 
it comes down to it, the loud mouths haven't the 
engineering background, nor guts to start a company on 
their own. Big mouths should get the facts before 
opening that mouth.

For example, there was a G3 one time that blasted the 
amplifier and accused the design as "undoable". Why?, 
because he assumed that the PLA800 was grid driven. 
NOT cathode driven. He never looked into why and how 
this kind of design works and works very well.
Gas regulators are not uncommon today. That also is 
a crock of s.., They are still the most reliable form of 
regulation and will remain that way for a long time to 
come. I'm nothing going to debate a solid state shunt 
regulator vs a gas tube regulator. The reason is because 
these guys are closed mind to the use of gas regulators.

The amp reflector can be a useful tool for many, 
however, the critics have turned it into "I know better 
and ALL" session. Certainly a poor representation of 
professional engineers today. Or , maybe that's what 
we call professional engineers today?

I appreciate your comments and would certainly respond 
to any you may have in the future, however please don't 
expect me to respond to half baked comments made by 
angry, misinformed critics who think they know it all.

For your info, the FCC ID # is PHDPLA-800 as type 
accepted and the 6 meter will be tested and submitted 
soon. You can assure the angry know it alls on the 
reflector that the 6 meter will not be sold in this country 
until type acceptance. However, we are finding other 
avenues of markets outside this country which like it 
very much and are welcoming it with open arms.
It may come down to a situation whereby CTI ComTec 
will offer the 6 meter amp only to those outside this 
country. At least they appreciate well made equipment. 
That goes for the HF/PLA800 as well.

Sorry to sound so negative, but when you have negative 
comments about your equipment, you look elsewhere.

73s and thanks again

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