[Amps] Equalizing Restistors

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Sat, 2 Mar 2002 09:07:27 -0800

>Thanks for the replies folks. I should have figured the power rating of the 
>resistors myself......i use ohms law, must have been a "senior moment"!!!
>As for the swinging choke input filter, Im stuck with it unless I 
>completely re-do the whole Thunderbolt. If I go to a capacitor in put 
>filter, the HV will rise and this will cause all sorts of headaches I 

€  Switching to C-input and removing the swinging-choke should raise the 
anode-V to about 3kVDC, which is c. the same as a SB-220 and TL-922.  My 
guess is that the extant tank components will withstand the increase. 

>My main reason for changing the hv cap is to increase the 
>capacitance from the stock capacitance of 8mfd to about 25mfd to help the 
>regulation on ssb. 

€  To compensate for the transient unregulation produced by rapidly 
changing current on SSB/CW through the swinging choke, it might take 
considerably more C.  I would start off with c. 0.1F and check it with a 
DC 'scope.  

>Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
>Bill Russell
>Amps mailing list

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 