[Amps] Blowers

Gary Schafer gschafer@mediaone.net
Tue, 05 Mar 2002 10:23:21 -0500

Frank Ayers wrote:

> Hi all -
> A blower related question - I have a Dayton 4C006 blower. The
> published ratings for it start at a static pressure of 1/2 in
> and go up to 1.2 in. there is a note in the 0 inch static pressure
> column which says - "overloaded, do not operate under .5 in SP"
> I've asked my friendly neighborhood Granger dealer why that is
> and they have no idea. Anybody know?
> Tnx
> Frank

You asked about overload at "0 static pressure".  That is where the
motor is working hardest moving the most air. If you hold your hand over
the outlet of the blower choking off all air flow the blower "cavitates"
as Rich said. As you start to remove your hand to let more air flow you
will hear the blower slow down as it picks up the load. With your hand
completely removed the motor will be under the heaviest load.

Gary K4FMX