[Amps] Fans for 4cx1000/1500 question

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 12:45:48 -0800

>Richard wrote:
>>>I need to know how to determine if the following fans will be adequate
>>>for an 4cx1000/1500 amp. While I can find the cfm specs, I cannot
>>>find the back pressure specs.
>>Ordinary fans do not create enough air pressure to cool external anode 
>>tubes. A centrifugal blower makes more pressure.  I like to mount the 
>>tube/socket in a cardboard box and measure air pressure with a 
>Agreed about the cardboard box mock-up, just to see if the blower is big 
>Broadening the answer, it is better to measure the cfm directly by 
>letting the exhaust air blow up a thin plastic bag, and timing how long 
>it takes (as recommended here by K6GT).

€ Eimac provides a number of pressure vs cfm points in their spec sheets. 


-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 