[Amps] Air Chimneys for 3-500Z and Anode Dissipation
Randall DuCharme
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 11:36:21 -0800 (PST)
--- Kim Elmore <elmore@nssl.noaa.gov> wrote:
> Talk of blower capacities lead me to wonder about
> glass envelope
> tubes. Here are some of my questions:
> I've never seen an air chimney system used on
> 3-500Zs. Yet, Eimac
> specified the dissipation values given that their
> air socket and chimney
> was in use. In reality, how well does the standard
> method of blowing air
> across the tube work in comparison?
I have a Henry 1KD-5 that uses a single 3-500Z with
achimney and a squirrel cage blower system. It's been
my understanding cooling the bases/pins of these tubes
is very important that adequate cooling in this area
can't be realized just by blowing air across the
envelope. I have much to learn myself but a couple of
my local elmers claim to have melted the solder out of
the tube's pins due to lack of sufficient cooling.
Just my 2 pennies worth.
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