[Amps] SB-200 Problem

Jim Bryant kc5vdj@yahoo.com
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 14:27:24 -0600

W6NQ wrote:

> A gassey tube you can't tell for sure without a hypot tester.

The TV-7 series of testers can test for gas and shorts.


Settings for TV-7 (*)/U Test Set, Electron Tube.

1 row returned in 0.012971 Seconds.

Tube:     572B
Filament: 6.3           Settings: ER3-0000              Range: B
Bias:     0             Shunt: 0
Press:    3             Minimum Meter Value [Gm]:       36 [900]
Notes:    Cap connects to plate. Best seen = 56.
Source:   DJN

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