[Amps] AL-1200 Question
Steve Katz
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 08:17:51 -0800
> I think this resolves to a psychological problem rather than technical?
> The question was asked regarding operation specifically on WARC bands
> e.g.30
> mtrs. using a large amplifier capable of c. 1Kw. Although the questioner
> acknowledged that the power limit is 200 watts on that band.
> It seems to me that the temptation for the average amateur given the
> frustrations of a pile-up would be to go beyond the legal limit if the 200
> watt O/P level was not giving instant results.
> Keeping the amp. off and using the capabilities of the exciter and staying
> within the regulations gives much more satisfaction than knowing you had
> to
> cheat to succeed. Or is the amp reflector dedicated to learning how to
> cheat?
> I run a Kw when its needed and within the regulations.
> 73
> John AB4ET
> _
> ::Interesting viewpoint, and one that I had pondered as well. My amps
> work 30m just fine, but other than verifying that fact with a dummy load,
> I've never actually used them on the air. The AL-1200 is so easily driven
> to >1kW output, by far less than 100W (actually 65W seems plenty for 1500W
> out), that a slight bump to the PWR level control on the 1000MP could
> easily result in all sorts of interesting things while trying to keep it
> throttled back to 200W output. And its efficiency at 200W output is
> pretty bad, down around 25% (as compared with ~60% at 1500W out)...
> -WB2WIK/6
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