[Amps] Re: [CQ-Contest] Italian power explained -

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:21:18 -0500

At 04:59 PM 3/10/02 EST, you wrote:
>Found these 20 and 30kw Italian antenna tuners on the web: 

It looks as if the Italians aren't the only ones -- check this JA example
out, further down on the same page:


It's really quite beautifully built.

I was also intrigued to read that I5UXJ's flagship amp, running a
4CX15,000, claims 21 KW output with 70 watts drive.  No wonder you never
see the amps in pictures of Italian stations! 

73, Pete N4ZR

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