[Amps] Phonetics

COLIN LAMB COLIN LAMB" <k7fm@teleport.com
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 07:00:13 -0800

I have found a simple approach to understanding phonetics of a dx =
contest station.  Sometimes I cannot understand the call sign of a =
strong station.  I figure half the problem is at my end and the other =
half is at the transmitting end.  Repeats do not seem to help.  So I say =
73 and listen for awhile.  If I listen long enough, some kind soul on =
this end will repeat his call sign and I can log that. =20

I always figured that bad phonetics were much better than none at all.  =
At least if you hear a call sign with phonetics you have something to =
think about.  Hearing no call sign for 20 minutes has always bothered me =
a bit. =20

73,  Colin  K7FM

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