[Amps] 10 Meters

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 07:12:35 -0800

>on 3/14/02 6:39 AM, Mike at W4EF@dellroy.com wrote:
>> The problem with the monitor circuit is that even when its done at
>> RF, its usually done in one of the low level IF stage. This lets you
>> hear what the speech processing sounds like, but doesn't help if
>> your problem is downstream (like in the PA). In the case of the
>> TS-950SDX I was using a few weekends ago, the monitor gave
>> a false alarm as the distortion was due to external RF getting into
>> the monitor circuit. The actual RF output was clean as evidenced
>> by the received signal on an external receiver (TS-940S).
>Very good point.  On my 1000D, the monitor samples the RF envelope.
>However, on 10M sometimes I get RF into the audio circuit in my headphones
>(not sure why - I have a bad headpone jack - could be it). ...

€  Do you employ a coaxial choke-balun at the antenna feed-point, Jon ?

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 