[Amps] Power Supply using Microwave oven XFMR's ?
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 15:31:48 -0500
Hi Al.
I cut the HV windings from a small one and rewound it with HV wire to
use as a filament transformer. Applying 120 volts to the primary gets
the core hot so evidently , the load from the secondary must pull the
line down to about 90 volts where the core is much happier. Running on
120 VAC saturates the core and so the use as is is very mushy. You would
also need to float the frame and core to measure plate current unless
you like to measure that on the HV side (:-o)
I use it with a series resistor to keep it happy and also can adjust the
resistance for the exact filament voltage requires as some tubes want
6.0 volts and not 6.3
AL Lyday wrote:
> This may have been hashed over before. But I would like to know your thoughts on
> using Microwave Oven Transformer for HV power supply's for RF Amps.
> I.E. 1 or 2 in parallel for higher currents.
> Thanks..
> 73 de AL (WC9C)
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