[AMPS] Alpha 374 bias

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 17:32:05 -0800

>When I have amp on and timer timed out, operate switch on, CW/Tune- SSB
>switch in SSB position I get .125ma current grid and plate current is
>same????? I have converted to 3CX800A7s. Any  way to turn off and let
>tubes cool? They run pretty warm.  The manual says it should run about
>15 ma idle current.?? Any Ideas?  Thanks Chuck KG4EOG
€  Remove the original bias circuit and replace it with something simple 
that works.  The electronic cathode bias switch (ECBS) shown in Figure 7 
on my Web site will do this job silently, cuts the current off during Rx, 
allows the ZSAC to be set to Eimac's spec., and bias is synced with the 
RF relay, so the tube operates linearily even during soft syllables ­ 
unlike RF activated bias switching.   

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 