[Amps] Henry 3K-A

Mike Wapner MWapner@Vetronix.com
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 13:08:44 -0800

I have the opportunity to purchase a Henry 3K-A.  The following grid and
plate currents and power out were measured.  Can anyone tell me if these are
"normal" or nominal and if the tubes (3-500Z's) appear OK based on this
info?  Thanks for any info!
73, Mike-K6QD
               GRID CURRENT           PLATE CURRENT       POWER OUT  

40 meters  CW        260                   800               1000+ 

           SSB       200                   800               1200+ 

20 meters  CW        250                   800                860 

           SSB       210                   850               1000+ 

15 meters  CW        260                   810                800+ 

           SSB       220                   800               1100+ 

10 meters  CW        250                   820                800+ 

           SSB       260                   900               1000+