[Amps] Henry 3K-A

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 15:39:12 -0800

>I have the opportunity to purchase a Henry 3K-A.  The following grid and
>plate currents and power out were measured.  Can anyone tell me if these are
>"normal" or nominal and if the tubes (3-500Z's) appear OK based on this
>info?  Thanks for any info!

€  The 3K-A is the only Ham amplifier I know of with a 2500W CCS anode 
supply.  Normal full throttle is c. 2k out.  It is also a good performer 
on a 20a, 120v outlet -- provided one tunes the beast up with a keyer 
sending fast dits instead of AØ/NØN.  There are some circuit improvements 
that are not needed for those who have a free supply of 3-500s and drive 
it with an older transceiver (TS-830S, et cetera).  ­

>73, Mike-K6QD
>               GRID CURRENT           PLATE CURRENT       POWER OUT  
>40 meters  CW        260                   800               1000+ 
>           SSB       200                   800               1200+ 
>20 meters  CW        250                   800                860 
>           SSB       210                   850               1000+ 
>15 meters  CW        260                   810                800+ 
>           SSB       220                   800               1100+ 
>10 meters  CW        250                   820                800+ 
>           SSB       260                   900               1000+ 
>Amps mailing list

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 