[Amps] Tuned Inputs

Jeff Weinberg W8CQ w8cqjeff@tds.net
Sun, 17 Mar 2002 23:24:05 -0500

Hi Everybody,
I am doing some experiments with tuned input circuits and was wondering =
if anyone might be able to help me.  I am looking for some reference or =
resource to help with this.

I have Excel spreadsheets from other folks in the reflector for =
designing tank circuits and am sure these can be adapted for tuned =

If I am incorrect, please let me know.  I guess these formulas could be =
used, but kind of in reverse - match a 50 ohm input load to keep the =
radio happy, to the input impedance of what ever tube(s) may be used.  =
My questions:

1. Is this a correcct assumption?
2. Where/how can I calculate the input impedance of the tube(s) used, =
say 4x572-B, 3x8874, or 3x8875?

Regards and thanks in advance,
Jeff Weinberg  W8CQ

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