[Amps] idea for discharging caps

Gary Schafer garyschafer@attbi.com
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 20:14:24 -0500

"John T. M. Lyles" wrote:

> A nice idea for discharging power supply capacitors appears in EDN
> magazine, March 7, page 121-2, by Stephen Woodward of Univ. of NC. He
> uses a double pole double thow power switch on the primary of the
> power transformer. Then when it is switched off the AC mains, the
> switch connects to the output across the capacitor through an
> appropiate resistor. In this mananer, the caps are discharged through
> the resistor and the primary winding, and the bleeder is made smaller
> or nonexistant. For HV, of course, this idea might need a 'few'
> modifications, such as having a rugged HV power switch or contactor,
> and having bleeders as a backup for safety anyhow.
> --

Sounds like when you switch the primary to the filter cap there will be a
huge voltage spike through the transformer to kill your rectifiers.

Gary  K4FMX