[Amps] SB220 Question

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 13:15:54 -0800

>I am doing some mods from Harbach on the 220 and one of them is the fine
>wire fuse between the HV feed through and the PC board.  Has anyone done
>that and could you use a small amp fuse and fuse holder rather than the
>wire and PC board mod?

€  A fuse will not prevent damage** to the tubes.  A fine wire will not 
prevent damage to the tubes because it is essentially a fuse..  A glitch 
resistor - that can pass the screwdriver test - will prevent such damage. 
 The trouble with fuses is that they do not limit peak fault current.   
Glitch resistors do. 

** (filament-grid short)

€  ¿ I've heard that Harbaugh Electronics VHF parasitic suppressors don't 
get very hot at 29MHz.  Is this true ?
cheers, Tom

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 