[Amps] Terminology Question

Joe Subich, K4IK k4ik@subich.com
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 21:18:09 -0500

The terminology came from the multiple batteries used in early 
equipment (particularly receivers).  The B battery was the high 
voltage (plates), the A battery was the filament supplies (if 
I remember correctly) and the C battery was the bias if needed 
(though self biasing was common).  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: amps-admin@contesting.com [mailto:amps-admin@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of RMead100@aol.com
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 8:51 PM
> To: Amps@contesting.com
> Subject: [Amps] Terminology Question
> What is the origin of the B+ term in amp/radio/power supply 
> terminology. I 
> understand it to be the high voltage supply, but I do not know 
> the origin of 
> the designation and that has finally bothered me at age 52. It 
> seems to me 
> the only voltage referred to with this type of 
> shorthand.........i.e. no A+ 
> or -; no B-, no C + or -. 
> R Meadows
> k8BUX
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