[Amps] calculations

Radio WC6W wc6w@juno.com
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 12:34:14 -0800

Hi Carl,
   Easy, if anyone has a copy of mathcad handy.

   Just take the Pi-Net equation and solve it for the output impedance.

  Marv  WC6W

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 14:30:28 -0500 "carl seyersdahl"
<carlseye@tampabay.rr.com> writes:
>   Here's one for the math guru's out there!!
>  given the inductance , input and output capacitances, and knowing 
> at least
> the input impedance, (50 ohms) can the impedance on the output side 
> of a
> pi-network be calculated. I have a set of values that the mfr. used 
> in an
> amp, but would like to know what impedance is being matched!!!
>  this has been brought up before about the input impedance of the 
> gla1000
> for building the input ckts. It crossed my mind that it might be 
> possible to
> at least find out what the mfrs. had in mind and that might help me 
> in my
> quest . I will likely end up doing it the hard way, which of course 
> is
> mostly just time consuming, but any little bit of info will still 
> help.!!
>  thanks to all who answer!!!
>    carl / kz5ca
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