[Amps] Dentron GLA 1000
carl seyersdahl
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 08:52:42 -0500
I think it's a well known fact that buyers get into a frenzy at auctions at
times. That gla1000C , if in mint condition , might well be worth 400.00 as
a collector's item, if one is into that kind of thing. The others are out of
line if they think a plain model or even a "B" model is worth much. Some
sellers have an exaggerated notion of what things are worth, as I have seen
MANY times at hamfests!!! Just my personal observations.!!!!
carl / kz5ca
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete Smith" <n4zr@contesting.com>
To: <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Dentron GLA 1000
> At 10:13 PM 3/21/02 -0800, skipp isaham wrote:
> >Ebay has even changed the relative value of a Dentron
> >GLA-1000 Amplifier. A late version C model just went
> >for over $400. Plain and B versions are often up and
> >over the $200 mark now.
> There's an interesting piece of business school theory I've read about
> holds that in an auction, the winning bidder will almost always pay an
> amount that the vast majority of other bidders think is too much. After
> all, he's the one who kept bidding after everyone else said "too rich for
> my blood."
> When you take a marketplace as big as EBay, this seems to prove out a lot
> of the time, because it often finds the one buyer who simply "has to" have
> the item.
> Because you can see what a given item has been selling for recently,
> sellers are encouraged to set their reserves higher and higher. I suspect
> that this may lead to a boom and bust cycle, when things stop moving
> because the sellers' expectations have truly gone through the roof.
> 73, Pete N4ZR
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