[Amps] HF1000 discontinued?

KL7RA kl7ra@blizzard.gcgo.nasa.gov
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 16:16:35 -0900

>Looks like QRO has quit making their single 3-500 amp, the HF1000.  It's no 
>longer listed on their website.
>Rob Atkinson

And Ray dropped the HF-3k with the 4cx1600b. Not sure why as it's a great

Also I see Alpha's new 4cx1600b amp was not for HF but VHF. 

Since having a QRO 3K now for three years of heavy duty contesting I have 
become a big fan of the 4cx1600b tube. I like running negative screen current 
at an easy and silent 1500 watts. I must say though, at times I do miss the 
vibration of the desk you get with my homebrews as the plate supply grunts out 
CW and the table lamp dims in synch.

73 Rich KL7RA