[Amps] Interesting Zero Bias Tube - the Amperex ZB120

COLIN LAMB k7fm@teleport.com
Tue, 26 Mar 2002 18:47:5 -0800

Here are the specifications of an interesting tube - the Amperex ZB120.  ZB means zero bias.  It is:
"especially designed for Class B amplification.  Can be used as linear r.f. power amplifier."  It has a carbon plate.
What is interesting about this tube and specifications is not the power level (only a few hundred watts), but the date of publication of the book that lists this tube:  The 1938 Radio Handbook.  
Here we thought we were forging down the path of discovery only to lrean that our grandfathers already went there and did that.    

--- k7fm@teleport.com

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