[Amps] Dayton fans

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 08:18:50 -0800

>I've been using the Kooltronics blowers
>for some time in various amps.  I have a
>drawer full of Dayton blowers that are
>so far out of balance that they will
>walk themselves off the bench when

I bought a Dayton blower for my 70cm amp.  It was a mover and a shaker.  
I balanced it myself.  It runs hot enough to brew coffee.

>The only problem with the
>Kooltronics centrifugal blowers is that
>the smallest one, (KBB25) is almost
>overkill for 1500 watts SSB in low back
>pressure designs.  

Agreed, but for RTTY and 3wpm CW, it is plenty good.  

>On the smaller
>blowers the motors may be balanced but
>the wheels are plastic and don't appear
>to be balanced after manufacture but are
>quiet.  The price of these blowers IS
>painful but not having to worry about
>them once installed is worth it.

Amen, Paul.  As I understand it, the price plummets if one buys in a 
10-up quantity.  If I had less mileage, I would sell them via my 
retrofit-kit mail order business.  /  The  Kooltronix high-pressure 
blower I bought had surprisingly little vibration and the cap-run motor 
ran Kool even with free-air delivery.  I would like to see Kooltronix 
come out with a line of high-pressure blowers that use 28v DC-brushless 
motors -- so that one could control speed (and noise) in proportion to 
anode temperature.  A controller circuit can be built from a transistor 
and a thermistor plus a few resistors.  [note -- capacitor-run motors are 
synced to the line-frequency, so they are virtually single-speed]


-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 