[Amps] Dentron GLA 1000 and Amp Supply Amplifier follow up comments.

Joe Subich, K4IK k4ik@subich.com
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 08:47:04 -0500

> From: skipp isaham
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 5:18 AM
> To: amps@contesting.com
> Subject: [Amps] Dentron GLA 1000 and Amp Supply Amplifier follow up
> comments.
> Just depends on your point of view, budget and how 
> handy you are.  As a project amplifier, they are cheap 
> enough for a first repair/rebuilt/starter amplifier. I've 
> seen the Svetlana tubes and have a picture from an 
> Italian Amateur (Bernie) with a pair of 4cx250's in the 
> same space/cab. 

If someone produced a new PC board for it, a conversion to single 
4CX400 would be interesting for the GLA-1000.  The only real issue 
would be getting the proper high voltage.  The 4CX400 is easier to 
cool than 2 x 4CX250 and should be able to provide 500 to 600 watts.

> With 40 watts drive, an improved Dentron or similar 
> Amplifier could provide 10dB or more, stage gain. 
> Nothing wrong with an extra 10dB...   You can't buy 
> the parts to use as a starter amplifier project for what 
> you can pick up a dead Dentron for... 

With a 4:1 (or 9:1) step up auto-transformer ("balun") and the 
appropriate grid "swamping" resistor, a modified Dentron or similar 
amplifier could provide 20 dB of gain for use with the Yaesu FT-817,  
Elcraft or other QRP rig.  


   ... Joe, K4IK