[Amps] Swan Mark 1

Arthur Moe kb7ww@easystreet.com
Sun, 31 Mar 2002 16:11:26 +0100


It's been a while but if I recall correctly all that is needed is to 
change to low profile plate caps. the 500 are slightly taller than the
400. Also when SWAN went to the 3-500 in the Mark 2 and Mark 6 they
added some bias in the form of a zener diode, 3 volts I believe. I 
know some who have put in the 500's and not made the bias mod with
no apparent problems.


Bill Smith wrote:
> What is involved in replacing the 3-400 tubes in the
> Swan Mark 1 with 3-500ZG?
> Anyone had experience with this amp?
> 73,
> Bill Smith KO4NR
> =====
> Bill Smith KO4NR
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