[Amps] 12V 120A Switcihng Power supply?
Sat, 30 Mar 2002 09:59:46 -0500
Jeff & all.
Sorry I wasn't more specific on my request.
I want to create a lightweight DXpedition amplifier
package. I will NOT be using the amp mobile, but
running off of standard 110/220v power.
It's easy to find inexpensive RF decks of 1000w output
using 12v transistors, but they draw a lot of juice.
Since this is going to be a DXpedition package, I am
looking for a single PS that is 12v and 100 to 170
amps. While ganging together multiple 5v versions
would work, the weight is too much for this project.
I already have a FB amp I take on DXpeditions (Acom
1000) and that weighs 48 lbs. The goal of my current
project is to put together a KW amp that weighs ~25
lbs inclusive of both the RF deck and power supply.
Since the RF decks usually weigh 8-10 lbs, the PS
needs to be in the 15-18 lb class.
Many thanks, Kenny K2KW
PS thanks to the moderator for forwarding this
message. I am not a subscribed member of the amps
--- Original Message ---
From: "jeff millar" <jeffNO@SPAMwa1hco.mv.com>
To: <Amps@contesting.com>, <K2KW@prodigy.net>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 12V 120A Switcihng Power supply?
>12V 120A for mobile??? What the prime power? Isn't
it the
>alternator...running at 13.6V? So, maybe a bigger
alternator and large
>cables to the amp? But, given the short duty cycles
of mobile
>transmitting...you can probably just run off the car
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <K2KW@prodigy.net>
>To: <Amps@contesting.com>
>Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 9:10 PM
>Subject: [Amps] 12V 120A Switcihng Power supply?
>> Does anyone know of a source for a lightweight
switching power
>> supply that is 12v 120a? The goal is to use a
switching power
>> supply on a mobile amplifier.
>> Also looking for a switcher that is in the range of
48v 48a.
>> Many thanks,
>> Kenny K2KW
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