[Amps] Transformer secondary resistance
Jeffrey Madore
Mon, 6 May 2002 19:50:59 -0400
Thank you, gentlemen, for your responses re my questions pertaining to =
the suitability of a transformer with a 106 Ohm secondary at 5300 volts =
and a 120 volt primary. BTW I rechecked the primary resistance and it =
appears to be about 0.1 Ohms + - .
My next question is, what would be considered a decent secondary =
resistance at that voltage?
Actually that voltage is a bit high. What if I used a full wave ct =
rectifier scheme? Then the voltage would be about half and the secondary =
resistance would also be 1/2. Would a 53 ohm secondary be considered =
suitable for a 1500 watt amp?
Since I have access to all the winding leads, what if I paralleled the =
secondary windings and used a bridge rectifier? Now the secondary =
resistance would be about 26 Ohms.=20
Any opinions are much appreciated.
Thanks, Jeff - K1LE
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