[Amps] Northern Radio N-542 Amplifier
John Kiesel
Sun, 12 May 2002 23:40:10 -0000
Hello Gruppe!
I just picked up a Northern Radio N-542 KW Amp. This Amp was made in =
Redmond Washington.
It has 2, 3-500-Z. It was built for the Marine Bands. I even worked =
for this Company when=20
I first got my license back in the early 70's But it no longer exists!!
I'm looking for a schematic for this 1KW brute. This Amp is very well =
constructed and I think with a few mods .
It will work on at least 5 bands and maybe 6. Anyone out there have the =
Old Paperwork on this one!!?
Johnny KE7V, P40ZZ etc.........
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