[Amps] Heavy stuff for Dayton
Mon, 13 May 2002 09:04:06 -0400
I have several things that I am willing to take to Dayton only if a
Licensed Amateur (general, adv or extra) is willing to buy(maybe swap) them
and pick them up there. If anyone is interested we can talk of price or
trade and I'll take pictures.
T368 Power supply less tubes
Very dusty and the big power transformer is removed but can be put back in.
Could not pick it up and load it into pickup truck with it installed. It
weighs 210lbs with transformer.
Analogic power supply. This is for an analogic amplifier (4CX5000)
for an NMR machine. Transformer is 3 phase, 7100VDC and 7KVA transformer
(200lbs). No filter cap.
The cap must be in the amplifier box.
Analogic RF amplifier with Solid state driver. Has 4CX5000 tube
socket but no tube.
Variable hairpin power tuning elements. Bust be above 100 MHz. A bit less
than 200lbs.
I'd like to get these out of my garage if possible.
I'llalso bring a dissassembled SB220. Transformers and Meters
already spoken for but the rest of if is available.
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