Fwd: [Amps] Heavy stuff for Dayton

wlfuqu00@uky.edu Wlfuqu00@uky.edu
Mon, 13 May 2002 10:36:21 -0400

OOPS   they don't call it NMR anymore it is MRI.  Guess they thought the 
word Nuclear would scare patients.

Bill wa4lav

>I have several things that I am willing to take to Dayton only if a 
>Licensed Amateur (general, adv or extra) is willing to buy(maybe swap) 
>them and pick them up there. If anyone is interested we can talk of price 
>or trade and I'll take pictures.
>         T368 Power supply less tubes
>Very dusty and the big power transformer is removed but can be put back 
>in. Could not pick it up and load it into pickup truck with it installed. 
>It weighs 210lbs with transformer.
>         Analogic power supply. This is for an analogic amplifier 
> (4CX5000) for an NMR machine. Transformer is 3 phase, 7100VDC and 7KVA 
> transformer (200lbs). No filter cap.
>The cap must be in the amplifier box.
>         Analogic RF amplifier with Solid state driver. Has 4CX5000 tube 
> socket but no tube.
>Variable hairpin power tuning elements. Bust be above 100 MHz. A bit less 
>than 200lbs.
>         I'd like to get these out of my garage if possible.
>         I'llalso bring a dissassembled SB220. Transformers and Meters 
> already spoken for but the rest of if  is available.
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