[Amps] al-1500 parasitic?? or some other problem?
Phil Clements
Wed, 15 May 2002 14:10:33 -0500
> //Seems obvious this is NOT a parasitic, it's a product created
> elsewhere. I've seen this kind of thing many times in densely populated
> contest stations, and it's often quite surprising what's caused it...things
> like oxidized guy cabling, all sorts of stuff.
Amen, Steve.
If he tried a dummy load on the amp, and there was no birdie
then, it seems to me, it is narrowed down to the antenna system
or the ground system. Like you, I have seen many weird things
happen at contest stations and repeater sites. Mother Nature is
very adept at making diodes at almost any kind of metal joint.
It is easier on vhf and uhf situations, as one can usually run down
the source with a portable directional antenna.
I would check all the connections on the antenna system and the
grounding system. Have someone go out and shake the guy wires
and tap things with a hammer while you listen in the shack.
Phil, K5PC