[Amps] Voodoo harmonics at K1TTT

EVonvaltie@aol.com EVonvaltie@aol.com
Sat, 18 May 2002 13:09:25 EDT

       (No ill intentions in the title - just thought it sounded cool.) 
       It is a little difficult to analyze problems by remote control when 
you cannot see, feel and touch EVERYTHING involved. However, it appears that 
everyone is trying, and a lot of interesting suggestions have been posted.

       I beg your indulgence for a moment to consider the following avenue. 
Is it feasible that RF can leave your 20M antenna, be somehow picked up by 
another antenna in proximity, travel into another radio (or any electronic 
device, for that matter) where it can mix with other sources, and then be 
re-radiated. One thing I have not been able to determine from your comments 
is exactly how these "spurs" are being detected -- that is, what is the total 
path from the 20M antenna to the final detection point. Do they appear on all 
of your radios equally? Do they have any dependence on the RECEIVING antenna? 

Eric von Valtier K8LV

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