[Amps] Non-linear subharmonics was: Nonsense, AL-1500 parasitic

Steve Thompson g8gsq@qsl.net
Mon, 20 May 2002 15:03:13 +0000

On Tuesday 21 May 2002 02:43, Ron wrote:
> I read these pages and couldn't find a reference to the f/2 discussion.
> It seemed to discuss injecting energy into a resonant cavity using a charge
> pump running at twice the cavity frequengy and also injecting it at other
> frequencies to obtain mixing products.
> Second, Steve's comment about "any thing (even noise) getting into the
> amplifier is an invalid argument in that any ligitmate signal that enters
> the amplifier is a mixing product and we already discussed that.  If it
> were noise ....well noise is random and so the harmonics and mixing
> products would be noise and randon as well.
Don't be too hard on me Jeff - I was only passing on my best recollection of 
an article I read that offered an explanation for things I'd seen in 
practice. Also, I think I wrote ...**maybe** even noise...

I'm not sure in my own mind that noise need be excluded as a trigger for the 
suggested self sustaining action that produces f/2, 3f/2 etc. signals.

73, Steve

> ---
> Ron
> jeff millar wrote:
> > Here's two web pages that discusses using variable capacitance to produce
> > gain at f/2 as part of a larger discussion of varactor diodes and
> > parametric amplifiers..  These pages specifically discusses why f/2
> > works.
> >
> >     http://www.tpub.com/neets/book11/45k.htm
> >     http://www.tpub.com/neets/book11/45l.htm