[Amps] SELL: Remote relay controlled tuned input circuit board

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm@juno.com
Mon, 20 May 2002 15:07:29 -0400

SELL: An Ameritron AL80 12VDC remote relay controlled  10-80m tuned input
circuit  board measuring 3x5-1/2".   Complete and intact . Individually
adjustable  relay actuated amplifier input tuned circuits are toroids.
Adding 160m is an option and can be fitted to the board in a space
provided with the addition of a mini-PC relay, 160m toroid, and two
trimmers. It's been tested and working perfectly. Fully wired and ready
to solder into your custom amplifier.  Great where space is at a premium
since it is actuated remotely via relays  from a simple 6 position
selector  add on  bandswitch wafer. Drop me a note for digitals or visit
the site below.  $42.50 shipped   Ron W2CQM/3  


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