[Amps] 4CX400 Rattles...GU34B Data
Tue, 21 May 2002 05:28:53 -0700
>I'm chasing some info on a 4CX400 I have just bought..it "ratles" when
>inverted...as if something is sliding up and down inside the tube. Is this
>normal, or do I have a dud?
Does it rattle when the heater is up to normal operating temp.?
>The tube marked rc-36b, which I was told is the military equivalent.
>I also have a GU34b...it doesn't rattle, but I'm after any data anyone may
>have on its use at 2 Meters.
>Thanks in anticipation....
>Amps mailing list
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,