[Amps] Homemade attenuator or sampler for 1+kW?
Thu, 23 May 2002 09:37:22 +0300
Any ideas for an inexpensive and safe way to connect RF spectrum analyzer
to 1+ kW HF or 6m or 2m linear amplifier? I have HP 8594E in my home lab
but I do not own any professional 1 kW level attenuators or signal samplers.
I do have MFJ "cantenna" for HF/6m and for 2m I could use couple of hundred
meters of RG213 to improve the return loss.
I have been considering Bird 4273 and 4275 to cover both HF and VHF..
http://www.rfparts.com/bird2.html#4275 . BTW, any hints who is selling
them in Europe?
What is the topology of the Bird samplers? A capacitive voltage
divider and a 50 ohm resistor between the lower capacitor and
output connector?
Has anybody constructed a resistive 1+ kW sampler? The dummy load
would operate as the first resistor of a "pi" attenuator and the sampler would
contain the other two. In order to keep the dissipation of the first sampler
resistor (or middle resistor of the whole pi) in few watts the attenuation has
to be in order of 60 or 70 dB. The parallel capacitance of the resistor
(or resistors in a string) surely creates some challenges.
Safety or reliability _is_ a big issue since I do not want to blow up my
spectrum analyzer.
73, Ilkka OH3NJC