[Amps] Mica capacitors - friend or foe?

EVonvaltie@aol.com EVonvaltie@aol.com
Fri, 24 May 2002 14:36:07 EDT

Unfortunately that's not the main issue. What's relavent is how they perform 
relative to other types (e.g. ceramic). You expressed the opinion that they 
degrade more than other caps as f increases, and I am just trying to get you 
to justify that opinion with some facts.

I don't think the fact that some capacitors in your junk box seem to have 
decreased HF ratings (whatever you mean by that, anyway) is grounds for you 
issuing your blanket condemnation of micas above 5 MHZ. 

At least my opinion is based upon an analysis of the facts, as best as I can 
determine them, AND some personal hands-on experience. I have built 
capacitors, and tested their operational characteristics myself, again as 
best as I can. And what I have seen is what I have stated here for anyone 
interested to see. 

If there are any other capacitor builders out there, I would be delighted to 
swap some notes. In particular, if ANYONE is aware of any dielectric material 
that outperforms mica, teflon, and polystyrene, I want to hear about it 

Eric von Valtier K8LV

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