[Amps] 4B32 rectifier tube specs.
Sun, 3 Nov 2002 21:17:35 -0500
To the List:
Thanks to all of those that gave me the specs. for this tube.
I have another question. I have aquired the 4B32 filament =
transformer,plate transformer(5400VCT@500ma.), and choke from some old =
miltary equipment. I want to use these parts to build what I call an Old =
Timer P/S (no disrespect to the old timers.) I read on a website that =
transient unregulation for SSB would be a problem along with poor =
linearity when using a non-resonated inductor/capacitor P/S. I was born =
in 1961 so the choke input P/S is a learning experiance for me.=20
73,s Jeff KD4LYH
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