[Amps] mystery amp

NI4L ni4l@charter.net
Mon, 04 Nov 2002 15:10:11 -0500

Yes i agree  It does sound like the Harris RF 103..... I picked up one 
of these. Boy was it a nice amp had a bit of trouble from the dow key 
relays but once i cleaned them it worked perfect. Still wish i had that 

KL7RA wrote:

>Yo John
>Sounds like the RF-103
>It has several boards mounted on the inside of that door you
>opened that have white plastic covered relays. Bottom left
>front has several fuse holders and circuit breakers. The 
>little door that opens allows you to adjust the auto-tune
>circuits which are little wire springs the move up and down.
>Heavy, runs great on 80, massive TVI on 20 meters.
>73 Rich KL7RA
>>There is a mystery amplifier which I am considering acquiring, for 
>>the parts. It is about the size of an apartment sized refrigerator, 
>>say, 3 feet tall. On wheels. Open the front door and there are two 
>>meters. Also a set of preset buttons for channels. no tuning or 
>>loading controls, all channelized with switches. Inside there is a 
>>3-1000Z with chimney, HV power supply (epoxyed transformer), ribbon 
>>wound coil with taps going to motor operated ceramic switch, and lots 
>>of doorknob caps of various values. There  is a small door opening 
>>into the circuitry where the preset memories are set up. This unit is 
>>crammed with stuff, and quite nasty to work on due to the lack of 
>>room. But some good parts seem to be there.
>>There is no nameplate or anything resembling a companies logo or part 
>>number. Anyone recognize this thing? I believe it is good for a kW 
>>SSB, as the metering on it shows go/nogo ranges with red and green 
>>bands, and the HV green band is roughly 2500-3500 V.
>>Amps mailing list
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