[Amps] Dow-Key Coaxial Relays`
Phil Clements
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 15:18:05 -0600
A good point was made today re the Dow-Key relays
found in Harris equipment et al. The cap on the end
of the relay for inspection and cleaning purposes is
far from air-tight. A lot of the Harris equipment spent
their life in the bowels of a Navy vessel. Every Dow-Key
relay that has not been operated in a while, and has been
in a humid environment will need thorough cleaning of the
contacts. At least that has been my experience. Fortunately,
this is an easy task, as the contacts unscrew completely,
and can be cleaned. I buy a lot of these on E-Bay, and this
ritual is performed upon receipt.=20
Who was it that said: "Cleanliness is next to Godliness?"
This surely holds true for the interior of amps!
Phil, K5PC
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